Thursday, August 13, 2015

home [and all that comes with it]

home. i'm home. 

it's strange and confusing and good and hard, but i'm home. 

unexplainable. that's the only word I can muster up when I'm asked the somewhat dreaded question "how was Uganda?"

silence. unexplainable. I don't even know. it's hard to explain because Uganda was everything. 

it was beautiful in the most heart breaking way. it was terrifying in a way that made you feel safe. it was exhausting and a breath of fresh air all at the same time. 

it broke me down and built me up all together. it stripped away ugly parts and things that I secretly clung to and revealed new things that I didn't even know about myself. 

I'm a new person, in a sense, and it's all thanks to Africa. but here I am, sitting on my bed in America. but you see here is where the challenging part starts. I have to take these new pieces of me that I formed in Uganda and the lack of things I once had but left in Uganda and figure out what that looks like in America. life doesn't change just because you do. 

for now, I'm clinging to the hope Jesus gives me. I'm clinging to the people he put on my journey beside me. what a good God he is to have let me have 15 other people who fully understand. I'm clinging to the truth that I'm just as called to be in America right now loving on people as I was called to be in Uganda loving on people this summer. I'm clinging to the fact that God knew I would struggle once I was home yet he still thought this was exactly where I needed to be.

he is so good even when life is hard.

I'm going to leave it at this: Uganda was exactly what God wanted it to be. and it was indescribable in the best way. it was sensory overload and I learned more in those 65 days than I have in the previous 20 years.
Uganda was good. so good. 

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