Why is it that it is the hardest to listen to what God has to say when things aren't going how you want them too? Is it because you don't believe what He is trying to tell you is true? Is it because you are impatient and feel like He is wrong? Or maybe is it because you know He's right and you don't want Him to be?
For me it is definitely the last one. When things are out of hand and out of my control i panic a little. I think to myself, this is not how this should be going. But when i open my Bible and Jesus sweetly speaks to me and says "I've got this under control, my plan is greater." it makes me relieved yet hopeless at the same time. I am relieved because i know by looking at my past that His plan is truly greater. But i feel hopeless because i can't change anything He is doing, and i have to be patient. And yes, i know in the end i will be extremely grateful that He is in control of my situations, but right now i can't see the end. Right now all i can see is being in the middle of a wonderful plan that looks like a tornado at the moment.
When i feel this way i always do the same thing, pray for patience. You have to be careful praying for patience though, because He's gonna give you a reason to have to be patient. But i feel like if you have patience you will have so much more joy in your life. Without patience you are always look at what's next, and ready to take on what is ahead as fast as you can get it. But what you don't realize at the time is that you're breezing through where God has you now. And you very well could be missing things that He placed in your story for a reason. So if you can live for the moment and be thankful for where you are now, and not worried about what tomorrow holds you will enjoy life a lot more. Promise.